Food Safety

Food Safety / Food Hygiene Level II

As many of you warm hearted people know we have been preparing some the healthiest food available to some of the poorest people in our hometown (Leeds/UK) since 2013, many of whom are homeless. Once a month we hold a gathering at the Mill Hill Chapel where we strive to feed, clothe, support, and positive connections with the people we serve. We also aspire to prepare for our visitors organic food that is locally produced, some of which we grow ourselves at Hyde Park, Woodhouse Community Kitchen Garden and partner sites.

Food Safety CertificateWe have various projects/campaigns that would benefit from sponsorship, however here we are making two appeals. Firstly, we are seeking to provide our trainee chefs with food safety level II training. This would involve some of our volunteers attending an accredited course in food safety/hygiene. This is pretty much compulsory for the food preparation and cooking activities we do, therefore if anyone is able to help us acquire the relevant training we’d be ever so grateful.

Reliable Transport Food Catering Garden Garding VanSecondly, we also require some reliable transport for carrying (light goods) kitchen/cooking equipment and gardening materials. Therefore if anyone has a spare van (or light goods vehicle), or is able to help us subsidise the running costs of such, again we’d be ever so grateful. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Warm Regards – IVA


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